Hello everyone,

During these hard times, dive within yourself. I am here to help you follow that self knowledge journey. An astrological consultation is like a gift, this gift is filled with tools and this tools will help you with your self knowledge and introspection.

Olá a todos/as,

Durante estes tempos difíceis, mergulha dentro de ti. Estou aqui para te ajudar nessa viagem de auto-conhecimento. Uma consulta de astrologia é como uma prenda, uma prenda cheia de ferramentas e estas ferramentas vão ajudar-te com o teu próprio conhecimento e introspecção.


I will do a full analysis to your natal chart and we'll discuss various aspects of yourself like Essence, Difficulties, Needs, Way of Communication, Love, Struggle, Purpose of Life, Career, Relationships and more. Depending on the outcome we'll have a chat about your concerns and i'll give you some suggestions and new perspectives on the issue. This way you will be able to do a deeper self reflection and find a different outcome.

If you are interested , send me a message on "Contact" with your exact time, date and place of birth!

Farei uma análise completa à tua carta natal e discutiremos vários aspectos de ti mesmo/a como a Essência, Dificuldades, Necessidades, Forma de comunicação, Amor, Luta, Prepósito de Vida, Carreira, Relações e mais. Dependendo do resultado teremos uma conversa sobre as tuas questões e darei algumas sugestões e novas perspectivas para que  possas reflectir mais profundamente e sejas capaz de encontrar respostas diferentes.

Se estiveres interessado/a envia-me uma mensagem pelo "Contact" com a hora exacta, data e local de nascimento!


Payment for session - donation (amount of your choice)

Pagamento por sessão - donativo (montante da tua escolha)


Vegan Recipes to balance out the elements - free

Receitas Veganas para balancear os elementos (inglês) - gratuito


Unique Art Chart - donation (amount of your choice)

Arte de Carta Única - donativo (montante da tua escolha)

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Filipa Losada
4 years ago

My reading with Ana was spot on. It really helped me to start to integrate many of my personal challenges and to see them in a whole new perspective. Highly recomend!

Florinda Moreau
4 years ago

Na segunda-feira passada tive a minha primeira consulta e experiência no mundo da Astrologia com a Ana. Adorei! Explicou sempre tudo muito bem explicado, existiu espaço para dúvidas e isto tudo num ambiente muito “à vontade” e de confiança. Muito obrigada querida Ana !! ❤️

Angela Estes
4 years ago

Ana did my horoscope just before Covid virus changed the landscape of the world. Her reading was spot on, except for one thing. Covid changes that one thing and caused the astrological prediction to know my future? Better than I did. Ana was a delight throughout. Well worth your money and attention if you are interested in an astrological reading. Thank you..

4 years ago

The reading brought me new insights and perspectives, things to reflect on, things to contemplate. There were also some links that helped me understand some things about my past. Or just how I am wired in general. The reading pointed out some stuff I can work on. Which I really appreciate. I loved Ana's approach; to not see the reading as the ultimate truth but rather a tool to support your personal development, a tool to understand yourself a little better in order to accept some aspects or in order to enable change. Ana's explained all the concepts really well. And I appreciated the fact that she really took the time for my questions. I think the work she does is amazing, helping people to understand themselves a little better so they can eventually step into their own power!

Diana Moreau
4 years ago

Acabei a minha consulta com a Ana agora mesmo. Foi a minha primeira experiência neste mundo maravilhoso da Astrologia! A Ana esplicou tudo muito bem para que eu percebesse e sempre com espaço para dúvidas, num ambiente dinâmico. Recomendo a 100%
Muito obrigada Ana pela disponibilidade e carinho :))

Anna Pursey
4 years ago

I had a great reading with Ana. As some one new to this, my reading was very interesting and I have come away with lots to think about! Ana was great in explaining all the new concepts to me. I would definitely recommend, even if (like me) you don't yet have a great understanding of astrology as she will help guide you throughout the whole reading.
Thank you!

Pedro Marques
4 years ago

Gostei muito da consulta com Ana, um grande à vontade o que tornou a conversa mais fluída e houve sempre espaço e abertura para questões quer no fim como durante a sessão! Recomendo :))

Barbara Silva Passadouro
4 years ago

A minha primeira experiencia no mundo da Astrologia! A Ana explicou tudo calmamente e de forma clara para que nao ficasse nada por entender. Uma consulta muito gratificante e enriquecedora para o meu autoconhecimento. Recomendo vivamente!! Muito obrigada

Sandra Webel
4 years ago

I had a video conference with Ana. It is astonishing, how correct her findings from my birth chart were. There were also some aspects, that I had not yet recognized and that are very helpful for my further personnel development. It was a truly enlightening analysis and a wonderful conversation. Thank you very much :-)
Love Sandra

Filipa Borges
4 years ago

I had a consultation with Ana through videoconference and it allowed me to reflect and reinforce knowledge that I already had about myself and my natal chart.
Above all, it was an immersive and introspective conversation where I could contemplate diverse sides and perspectives.
Thank you :)

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